b'Red Oak H ardwoodI ndustrIes , I nc .www.hardwoodind.comUNDERSTANDING RIFT and QUARTER SAWN LUMBERPlain Sawn Rift Sawn Quarter SawnPlain Sawn Face Rift Sawn Face Quarter Sawn FacePlain Sawn End Grain Rift Sawn End Grain Quarter Sawn End Grain Growth rings ranging from 0 to 45Growth rings ranging from 45 to 75 Growth rings ranging from 75 to 90 degrees to the face.degrees to the face, minimizing thedegrees to the face, maximizing theMost prevalent grain pattern in theappearance of ray flakes.appearance of ray flakes. industry and is also referred to as Easily distinguishable by theEasily distinguishable by the visibleFlat Sawn.relatively straight and linear lookingmedullary ray flakes that run per- Better average widths in comparisongrain pattern.pendicular to the growth rings and to Rift and Quarter Sawn due to full Narrow average widths in comparisonparallel to the surface of the board. use of the log. to Quarter Sawn and Plain Sawn Better average widths in comparison based on the very limited cut fromto Rift Sawn lumber, but less than the outside of the log. Plain Sawn based on the limited cut of the log.H ardwoodI ndustrIes , I nc . www.hardwoodind.com'