b'HARD MAPLE IS SUSTAINABLY HARVESTED AND SEQUESTERS CARBONForest Inventory and Analysis data shows U.S. hard maplegrowing stock is 33.7 billion cubic feet, 6.6% of total U.S. hardwood Native to the eastern US growing stock.American hardand Canada.Known for maple is growing 675 million being the primary source of maple syrup, and itscubic feet per year while the bright fall foliage.harvest is 360 million cubic feet per year.Net volume (afterharvest) is increasing 315 million cubic feet each year!U.S. forests stored 65.8 billion tons of carbon in 2022.1.3 tons of CO2 stored per cubic yard of wood. It takes only 1 second to grow 1.3 cubic yards of American Red Oak.Data from the US Forest Service (www.fs.usda.gov), and the American Hardwood Export Council (www.ahec.org).MORE HARDWOOD IS GROWN EVERY YEAR IN THE USA THAN IS HARVESTEDH ardwoodI ndustrIes , I nc . www.hardwoodind.com'